Joomla! Event Videos
For the last 18 months to 2 years, there have been a number of signficant changes in major search engines algorithms. They mostly fall into 2 categories:
- integrating the recent Artificial Intelligence progress into the search result pages
- fighting the vast increase in spammy or low-quality content that has plagued the Internet for several years now
Many reports, even university studies, say that Google search quality has been decreasing and they certainly try to do something about it through the many "helpful content" and "Spam" or "Reviews" updates of 2023 and 2024. This was even complimented with manual actions to eliminate low-quality sites.
So in this talk, I would like to present you with an actionable summary of what's been happening and how it impacts the small to medium size websites commonly built with Joomla.
This will include a tour and a discussion of the likely most important areas to focus on, including on whether or not to use AI for content or other purposes.
Since version 4.1 (and so also in 5.x series) Joomla introduced a very interesting new feature called "Scheduled Tasks".
Even though it has been present for more than two years, everytime I exchange with other Joomlers I realize that the majority has overlooked the power of this feature.
So the goal of this session is to shed some light on the possibilities at the hand of different examples / usecases:
- some are native Plugins, ready to be used within Joomla
- some are third-party Plugins, typically open source and available for free on Github
- and of course the whole idea is that you can also create your own, in order to meet your specific needs
Having worked around the release managers since Joomla 3 days and been at many release parties, I have had the privilege to observe first-hand the pressures of the job and the types of people who thrive in such an environment.
With Joomla 6 now in active development and the shape of the version taking form and growing, it is a good point to reflect on how the release managers can shape the release and what path the Joomla 6 release managers will take. Likewise how developing Joomla 6 is changing the release manager's perspective and what live changes we will need to make.
Daniele and I, co-founders of ZOOlanders and main devs of Essential Addons for YOOtheme Pro, would be showing advanced use cases as well as anecdotes of our journey while working on a project that has become a reference for YOOtheme 3rd party developers.
In this session Miljan and Daniele will guide you through advanced workflows involving YOOtheme Pro and Essential core features, progressing to more complex ones requiring customization that will deliver significant value. This session will be held in English.
chatGPT is now widely used around the world, including by many Joomla website developers and content creators. The underlying technology is accessible through an API, allowing us to build tools based on it.
While using chatGPT on its website is simple, it has limitations when it comes to managing your Joomla website content. Just asking it to write a blog post is nice, but AI can do so much more for us.
That's why I created an extension that provides real assistance to Joomla site owners and integrators, harnessing the power of AI for creating, processing, and transforming content.
In this talk, we will explore how 4AI can enhance your site content and streamline the creation and management process.
We will also demonstrate the image creation and modification feature recently added to 4AI.
JEvents and its long list of addons allows you to create a wide range of event based websites for example:
- Upcoming event information presented as calendars, lists, blogs, timelines etc.
- Sophisticated event booking with ticketing, capacity management, waiting lists, custom fields
- Event reminders
- Event invitations allowing you to keep track of who will be attending
- Venue assignments with maps and directions
- Event organisation - assigning people to roles, making sure that equipment is not double booked etc.
- Linking events to content for agendas, minutes and post event reports
- Ensuring that events are not double booked by category, venue or managed people/resources
Sometimes the number of possibilities can be overwhelming and its not always obvious where to start with your implementation. In this presentation I will run through some examples using combinations of some of these main features and give an overview of how they are put together.
I will also give a demonstration of our new YooTheme Pro integration and show how you can create a sophisticated event system customised for your YooTheme installation.
Anhand unseres Kleingartenverein zeige ich Euch, wie man das Rechte- und Rollenkonzept von Joomla nutzen kann, um bestimmte Berechtigungen zu vergeben. Dieses kann analog zu einem Sportverein o.ä. angewendet werden. Zum Beispiel sollen bestimmte User im Frontend nur ein Modul bearbeiten oder Beiträge für eine bestimmten Kategorien erstellen oder bearbeiten können. Zudem gehe ich kurz auf einige Besonderheiten ein, welche recht häufig in der Community gefragt werden.
Artificial Intelligence can be used to generate texts, code and also images. In this presentation, Peter Martin will discuss the importance of images, and the problems you may encounter. In this presentation, he will shed light on open source tools and techniques for generating images with AI. He will also show how you can generate images on your own computer without an internet connection using open source software, using a Graphical User Interface (the browser) and an API. The aim is to provide you with the knowledge and inspiration to get started with AI image generation yourself.
In unserem digitalen Zeitalter sind Daten das Rückgrat jeder Organisation. In meinem Vortrag “Kein Backup, kein Mitglied” erkläre ich dir, warum Backups unverzichtbar sind und warum du sie regelmäßig, am besten täglich, durchführen solltest. Erfahre, wie du deine Daten vor Verlust und Beschädigung schützen kannst und warum es wichtig ist, Backups nicht lokal auf demselben Server zu speichern.
Ich zeige dir, wie du mit Akeeba Backup, den geplanten Aufgaben von Joomla und der Hetzner Storagebox ein cooles und automatisiertes Backup-System erstellen kannst und deine Daten dir im Ernstfall schnell wieder zur Verfügung stehen.